Although log home maintenance is generally much easier and less costly than that required by most types of conventional construction, log homes do require protection. There are many natural processes, that, if not addressed, could start to attack the wood.

Before restoration
We pressure treat all log components with a state-of-the-art, non-toxic, wood preservative. This ensures efficient penetration to the very heartwood of each and every log. What’s more, we provide a lifetime transferable warranty which guarantees that we will replace any log material damaged by decay or wood ingesting insects.
Prevents decay
Fungus, insects and even the type of wood logs are made from can be a problem. Trees such as black walnut and white oak are naturally durable. However, making logs from these woods is very expensive. The affordable logs that are used today require protection from decay.
Guards against wood-ingesting insects
The telltale holes of drywood termites and post beetles show that they also love to make a home out of wood.
A good stripping and washing are necessary when applying new stain and to prepare logs for some treatments such as borate. We are experts in this process and can help you avoid costly mistakes.
There are a host of maintenance needs that can be identified with inspection by experienced eyes.
Algae removal
Algae can be removed and logs protected with a sealant – not only protecting from algae and mildew, but the sun as well.
Borate treatment
Borate should be applied to protect from decay, fungi and insects like beetles, borers, termites and ants. Seal in the borate with a log home finish.
Sealing and caulking
Weatherproof your home by maintaining caulking and chinking the logs.
If your logs have not been restained or painted for a long time, the sun may turn them gray. Keep that attractive gold tone!
Chinks may develop as logs dry and shrink. They should be sealed to prevent moisture from accumulating and causing decay.
Log Home Restoration
For more than a decade we have been designing, building and maintaining log homes. Our time tested experience delivers quality, value and peace of mind. We stand proudly by our products and services.
Reese Restoration
Corn cob media blasting
Fine blasting grit is used both on the inside and outside of your home to help preserve and clean it. Restores the original look! In experienced hands, media blasting is a great tool.
Chemical stripping
Chemical stripping removes old finishes. Stripping makes restoration easier. It not only removes old finishes, but graying, dirt, mold, and mildew – restoring a bright new tone.
Log replacement
If logs have not been maintained or if problems have prevented adequate maintenance, it may be necessary to replace rotten logs. Some additional factors include vegetation close to the house and exposure to rain water runoff. We match log style and stain so your home has a consistent look.
Siding replacement
Like our log replacement service, we can match new log siding sections to your surrounding siding.
Handrail and decking replacement
Handrails and decks may also need replacement – and our full-service company can help restore these beautiful accouterments.
Insect damage repair
Carpenter bees, beetles, ants and borers can be a problem, causing rot or cosmetic damage. We’ll repair sections of wood affected by these pests and help prevent them from causing further damage.